Releasing the Ties that Bind
Have you found yourself struggling to let go of repetitive negative feelings and thoughts that cause you to feel drained, exhausted and...

A Meditation for Moving into Higher Consciousness
This meditation will help you balance and harmonize your chakras, your aura, and help you connect to higher consciousness. It will also...

Thoughts, Feelings, and your Physical Body
Some of you are quite familiar with the phrase "thoughts are things" and so have an understanding that what you think and how you feel...

Life Purpose
I believe for most of us there is more than one real purpose for being here on earth. We have a purpose that is related to our own...

Why Worry About Karma?
When my oldest son was in high school, he and his friends were constantly playing practical jokes on each other. One of the things they...

How Does Karma Affect Relationships?
When two people have karma to resolve, their souls will bring them together at some future time, either in the lifetime where the karma...

Reiki and Me
As a Reiki Master Teacher, I thought it would be worthwhile to introduce myself and share with you my personal Reiki Odyssey. Like so...