A Meditation for Moving into Higher Consciousness

This meditation will help you balance and harmonize your chakras, your aura, and help you connect to higher consciousness. It will also help you ground the higher light into your mind, emotions, and physical body.
Begin by finding a quiet place where you have a few minutes of undisturbed time to yourself. You might find it helpful to put some relaxing music on. This helps filter out distracting sounds and helps you focus on relaxing.
.Sit with your feet on the ground and your spine straight. Or, if you prefer, sit in the lotus position. Then close your eyes and begin breathing slowly and deeply. Some people find it helps to count as they breathe so that the breaths become even.
Then, using the power of your imagination (think of it as themind of your Soul) focus on your heart center and imagine there is a beautiful, glowing ball of light centered within, through, and around your heart. As you breathe, imagine the light becomes brighter and clearer.
On your next in-breath, imagine the ball of light is now descending to connect with your 3rd located in the area of your stomach. Again, imagine the ball of light becomes brighter and clearer as it connects with this energy center. chakra or solar plexus, located in the area of your stomach. Again, imagine the ball of light becomes brighter and clearer as it connects with this energy center.
Then, as you breathe in, allow the ball of light to descend and connect with your 2nd chakra, located about 2 inches below your belly button. Again, imagine the ball of light becomes brighter and clearer as it connects with your 2nd chakra.
On your next in-breath, allow the ball of light to connect with your root chakra, located just below the 2nd chakra, in the area where your legs meet your torso. Allow the light to become brighter and clearer as you breath into it.
Now imagine that you can envision a tube of light that goes all the way to the center of the earth. As you continue to breathe slowly and deeply allow the ball of light you’ve been envisioning to travel all the way to the center of the earth and as you connect to the earth, imagine you are receiving the qualities of love, support, abundance, and creativity.
When you are ready, allow the energy ball you’ve created to travel back up the tube of light, stopping briefly at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras. Then on your next in-breath imagine it is connecting with your 5th chakra, located at your throat. Allow it to become bright and clear in this energy center.
Then bring the light to your 6th chakra, located in the middle of your head, approximately between your eyes. Allow this energy center to become bright and clear.
On your next in-breath, allow the light to connect with your 7th or crown chakra located at the top of your head. Allow this energy center to become bright and clear and then again imagine a tube of light that goes up all the way to the heart and mind of the Divine.
Using your imagination follow this tube of light all the way to the heart of God and allow yourself to receive the qualities of love, support, abundance, and creativity.
When you are ready, follow the tube of light back down through each of your energy centers to the center of the earth and then back up until it connects with your heart center.
As you are anchored in your heart center, take a moment to imagine the light connected with every cell in your body, then with your emotions and your mind. Envision a cocoon of light around you that contains all the light you have connected with on earth and in heaven.
When you are ready, return to the room by gently opening your eyes.